partitioning module中文什么意思

发音:   用"partitioning module"造句
  • partition:    n. 1.分割;分开;被分开;区分, ...
  • module:    n. 1.测量流水等的单位〔1秒10 ...
  • partitioning:    分成; 分割; 分块; 分区; 配比 ...
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  1. The universal process which was expressed in a computer software project with the object - oriented programming technology and methods was analyzed and concluded systematically for mineral resources synthetic assessment and metallogenic prognosis . furthermore , the gis - based mineral resources assessment system was divided in detail after demand analysis and structural design into six functional modules : the files input module , gridding partition module , spatial analysis module , intelligentized extracion of geologic variables module , orientation prediction module and attribution management module


  1. partitioning cycle 什么意思
  2. partitioning data 什么意思
  3. partitioning gene action 什么意思
  4. partitioning glazing 什么意思
  5. partitioning method of estimation 什么意思
  6. partitioning of a matrix 什么意思
  7. partitioning of fat 什么意思
  8. partitioning of matrices 什么意思
  9. partitioning of matrix 什么意思
  10. partitioning of total variance 什么意思


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